Becoming Art was born in 2009, although I've been selling my goods for much longer. Hand dying and crafting has been a part of my life since childhood. Selling my goods to others started at 15. With a basket full of macrome, crocheted hats, and hand dyed silks I took my bounty to fairs and traded for other goods or enough money to keep crafting.
My introduction to dyeing yarn and spinning fibers was a natural progression based on my love for color and texture. Becoming Art is run by myself and my husband with the occasional helper. We run an in-home office and separate studio yurt for our dye space. Every piece is dyed, twisted, tagged or braided by us. While it may take us a tad longer to make a finished item, we believe that our eye for detail and quality control is evident in the final product.
Being part of fiber arts community has become the ideal job as I work from home while loving up my 6 beautiful sons and husband of 21 years. I live in the Great Northwest where I enjoy watching the seasons make their striking changes 4 times a year. We spend our non-working hours enjoying the outdoors, traveling and building a small homestead on our rural property.